We have two beautiful puppies. Pupa is 10 months old and Bronte is 4 months old. They have brought a lot of love, joy, laughter and happiness into our lives.
I had been thinking about getting a dog for about 5 years but I didn’t know what breed to get. I looked after my friend’s dog for the weekend. He is a King Charles Cavalier. He suited us perfectly. My mum was telling a lady who had a female Cavalier x Maltese puppy for sale. We went to see her and fell in love with her instantly. Pupa means Beautiful Doll. Pupa is patient and understanding and knowing and is very laid back. She is an inside dog and sleeps with us in bed.
Bronte came along 6 months later. She is Pupa’s full sister. They have the same colouring in different places. Bronte is very determined and knows what she wants and gets it! She is also mischievous. She too wormed her way into our bed within the first week of her arrival.
Pupa is a very good sister to Bronte and is very protective.
These two puppies have filled up our house and our hearts. Our devotion and love for them is 100%. We get to be parents to them and love them. We have made much space in our lives for them. Space we were saving up for our children.
I am amazed at how much I love having them around me all the time. They do tire me but the rewards are greater.
When I come home Pupa jumps on my lap and gives me kisses. I then sidle up to a lounge and Bronts jumps on to my lap for her turn.
I use to think treating dogs like babies was silly, until I got my own. I can’t believe how I keep doing things I swore I’d never do. You can never judge until you are in that situation.
- Martha
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